Hey there ! I’m a student currently pursuing ECE and likes to code on the side . I make a few projects and here is where I post them . Some programming languages I know : Python , C++ , Labview , Embedded C.
Education :
B.S. Abdur Rahman Cresent Institute of Science and Technology
- B-Tech ECE 2017 - Present , CGPA : 9.01
St.Johns English School And Junior College
- Higher Education 12th - 2017 , Percentage : 79.9%
- Secondary Education 10th - 2015 , CGPA : 8.4
Achievements :
St. Joseph’s College Of Engineering 21/09/2019
- Secured 1st place in the event Techno Jam (Technical Quiz).
- Secured 2nd place in the event Techtrack (Technical Connections).
Sri Sairam Engineering College 19/08/2019
- Secured 2nd place in the event Arduino Challenge.
Loyola-ICAM College Of Engineering And Technology 17/08/2019
- Secured 2nd place in the event MindFlayer (A coding and debugging competition).