Anaconda , Pytorch Installation
Installation of Pytorch using Anaconda
To start with Neural Netoworks , we need some packages to make calculations easier.
The Packages I used :
- Pytorch
- Open cv
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Tqdm
I created an environment to hold the above packages in anaconda. Which you can get from here
Recommended to not add it in path , use the anaconda cmd instead
Commands to run in anaconda cmd to install packages :
Create environment
conda create -n env_name (no quotes “”)
Activate environment
conda activate env_name
Install Python (I installed 3.7 vr)
conda install python=3.7
Install Pytorch
There are many ways to install Pytorch . The one I downloaded is shown below. You get Pip , NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit and numpy with Pytorch
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
Create your own pytorch installation command here
Install NVIDIA cuDNN
conda install -c anaconda cudnn
Install Open CV
pip install open-cv
Install matplotlib
pip install matplotlib
Install tqdm
pip install tqdm
Once you’ve installed all the packages . It should look something like this when you run the command “conda list”
You can crosscheck your versions if you want.
To deactivate environment use - conda deactivate